Chingola— in their unceasing quest to educate their children the PTA working hand in hand with Round Table Zambia (RTZ) has built a new classroom block in Chingola through a grant from SIKSHA Foundation.
SIKSHA Foundation head quartered in USA is a non-profit charity dedicated to taking strides that directly change the lives of children around the world. The efforts made by the SIKSHA Foundation working with partners like RTZ are for the benefit of pupils and made possible by the generosity of its benefactors and donors.
SIKSHA Foundation Chairman Hemant Desai said, “These efforts by the SIKSHA Foundation are all for the benefit of pupils. We thank all our donors for their endless support to education.” He underscored the continuous effort of the PTA and RTZ in building more school facilities in the area.
Further, he urged the parents and teachers to continue working together, saying “In education lies the future of our children and the nation.”
The RTZ President emphasized that the classroom buildings are a result of the efforts of many – the area’s government officials, the parents, the PTA and the residents of the area.