Shyam A. Patel
President, Board of Director

University of Arizona – Eller College of Management, Management
Management Trainee at Southwest Hospitality Management
Why did you join the board?
I joined the board to make a difference in the lives of children worldwide. An education provides a means to succeed and create a better life. Hard work and dedication are not always enough, and as a member of this foundation I plan on helping those with a will by providing them a way.
What are your long term goals for the foundation?
I would like to assist in creating an internationally recognized foundation that creates opportunity for underprivileged children who wish to strive for success and change their own lives. This is a great opportunity and a lifetime of work that will alter the state of underprivileged children for generations to come.
Contact information
Chovisi School

Navsari, India
Navsari Girls Dormitory

Navsari, India
Lions Upper Basic School for the Blind