

The school of Tejlav is Administrated by Halpati Seva Sangh, Kamgar Ghar,Sardar Baug, Bardoli. It is situated in tribal village Tejlav, Ta: Chikhali, Dist: Navsari, Gujarat. It offers education from Std. 1 to 8. There has been an enrollment of 151 students in this school. The student’s community comprises of 82 Boys & 69 Girls.

Condition of the school

The condition of the school is very much inadequate. Many parts of the school building are in a dilapidated condition which need urgent repairing or dismantling and reconstruction. The school building has become worn out. The condition of the school classes are such that, the walls of the room may collapse any time. Hence, many of them remain unused. Due to this condition, the rooms serve multiple purpose for the students. The same rooms are use as classrooms & hostel rooms. As a result, students sleep on the floor or have to sleep on and underneath the benches. It has become tremendously difficult, during the monsoon season to sleep in these rooms. There is ground water seepage from the floors & water leaking from the roof in almost all of the rooms. Similarly, the condition of the toilet blocks and kitchen is equally miserable. In fact, in this school there is only one temporary shed used as a kitchen. The tribal students remain devoid of some very basic sanitary requirements. There is a lack of a primary kitchen area, utensils and basic things related to cooking food in the kitchen.

Immediate Requirements

  • The school requires immediate attention to rebuild the kitchen & supply basic kitchen utensils.
  • The toilet block needs modification.
  • The school campus requires attention to restore basic living conditions.
  • The school building needs to be restructured or reconstructed.

Video of Inauguration of Kitchen at Ashramshala, Tejlav

Review of Kitchen at Ashramshala, Tejlav


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